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关键词:进口恒温混水阀  进口黄铜恒温阀  进口不锈钢恒温阀  进口混水阀
产品名称: 进口恒温混水阀(黄铜,不锈钢混水阀)
产品编号: LIPH
产品商标: 德国雷普
产品规格: DN10-800
参考价格: 面议
更新日期: 2020/5/27 23:48:16
被阅次数: 3555次




Germany LIP valve rep in strict accordance with the ISO9001 quality management system and production process control, to ensure that each component of the valve can meet the requirements, and strict product testing, to ensure that every user to valve products are qualified products.
Germany leipold thermostatic mixing valve is designed for the hot water system and auxiliary products, widely used in solar water heater, central hot water system and the electric water heater.
The user can adjust the mixing of hot and cold water temperature according to the need, the required temperature can be achieved quickly and stable, ensure the water temperature constant, and is not affected by water temperature, flow, pressure,
temperature of the solution to the problem sometimes hot and sometimes cold with hot water, cold water in the hot water once broken, automatic stop; hot water once interrupted, cold water will automatically shut down, anti scald, prevent cold shock. In the domestic hot water, hotel, hospital, school and other requirements to provide a stable supply water temperature of the medium and small living hot water system in the.
In the mixed water outlet thermostatic mixing valve, fitted with the thermosensitive temperature sensing component, the component temperature thermal expansion or contraction control mobile spool valve, inlet seal or open the cold, hot water. When the temperature control knob to set a temperature, hot and cold water mixing valve through proportional control into the outlet, the outlet temperature is always constant. Not affected by reducing the temperature of hot water, with water or water pressure changes.
进口恒温混水阀在太阳能系统上的应用Application of import thermostatic valve in the solar system.
Solar water heater company in order to winter morning to wash the hot bath, can greatly improve the heat collecting capacity! But the winter heat to achieve a "standard", the excess heat in summer and autumn will, ultra high temperature hot water output phenomenon is inevitable! Due to improper use of consumers caused by burn cases are not uncommon. Unfortunately there is no manufacturers to consider the safety of the solar water heater hot issues in full sunshine or more days without conditions,
the highest output water temperature water type solar water heater can reach 100 DEG C and the pressure will be even greater, so the choice of hot water pipe must also be resistant to high temperature, which not only improves the the cost, but also left a hidden danger. If the application of thermostatic mixing valve problem is solved, regardless of water is 80 degrees or 100 degrees, as long as the thermostatic valve set at 40 C, 40 C would.



公 司 名: 深圳派克阀门有限公司
企业类型: 外资企业
经营模式: 生产型
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