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关键词:小型干燥机  微型干燥机  小型干燥设备  微型干燥设备
产品名称: 小型干燥机
产品编号: 10005863
产品规格: GPQ微型多功能干燥实验机
参考价格: 45000
更新日期: 2010/8/12 8:55:37
被阅次数: 2599次




GPQ mini multifunction experimental dryer centralizes suchvarious processes as spraying drying, fluidized bed drying, fluidized bed spray granulation, evaporation and concentration, and pneumatic drying onto a single machine occupying less than 0.5 square meters. Compared with productive equipment, it has a good many merits as follows, low investment and cost, small bulk, less occupation and throughput, and flexible operation. It is suitable for the demands of the new products development of the college, scientific research institution, enterprises, especially the expensive products development. It can be widely used in the various drying processes in such the fields as biology, chemical, pharmacy, food, dyestuff, light industry and pesticide, etc.


Spray drying process:

Air is heated in electric heater through the fan, then goes into the spray dryer through the top. Slurry flows into pneumatic atomizing nozzle from liquid material tank by peristaltic pump, atomized into small droplets by the compressed air come from the nozzle. The small droplets spurt out downward, mixes with hot air of the drying chamber, along with water evaporating instantly. Slurry turns into fine powder in a moment by drying. The coarse powder is collected at the bottom of spray dryer, subsequently the fine powder is gathered in the cyclone. The exhaust air is discharged after recovery in the bag filter.


Fluidized bed drying process:

Air is heated in electric heater through the fan, then goes through the gas distributor into the fluidized bed dryer; and material enters the fluidized through the top. Materials keep fluidized in virtue of the flotage effect of the hot air. Energy and mass exchange in the fluid bed dryer. The exhaust air goes into the cyclone to recover the entrained dust, then discharges after the bag filter.


GPQ multifunction mini experimental dryer’s main body is 700mm long, 700mm wide, 1600mm high, and consists of two major parts. The left part is the electric heater which is used for the heating of the air; the right part is the automatic control system, PLC, which can automatically control the inlet and outlet air temperatures, inlet air rate and drying time during the drying process according to the set value. By fixing various sets of subassembly onto the body, the processes of Spray Drying, Fluidized Bed Drying, Spray Granulation, and so forth, can be implemented, to gain powder products

流化床干燥  Fluidized Bed Drying

喷雾干燥  Spray Drying


Design parameter


Configuration: Integrally Move


Figuration: ( length×width×height )700mm×700mm×1600mm


Heating Mode:Electric Heating


Electric Heater Power: 9kW


Compressed Pneumatic Pressure: ≤0.3MPa


Inlet Air Temperature: 80℃300℃ (Adjustable, automatic control )


Water Evaporation Rate: 1000-2000ml/h


Total weight: 100kg


Control Mode: PLC

公 司 名: 杭州钱江干燥设备有限公司
企业类型: 私营企业
经营模式: 生产型
公司地址: 杭州市江干区丁桥镇广发西路5号
联 系 人: 杜知伟  先生  销售经理
联系电话: 0571-88110058
传    真: 0571-88115086
手    机: 13385716658
邮    编: 310021
主    页: http://www.phmach.cn/FM92014/
  E-mail: hzduzhiwei@163.com
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